Let your interests guide you to new adventures.
At Berwick Comox Valley, there’s always something engaging happening. Participate in our social, wellness and fitness programs—or take the lead in an area of interest. Berwick residents pursue their passions, lend their expertise to a good cause, dive into learning and push themselves creatively. Visit us and you may see the Mad Potters gardening club digging in the dirt or tending to blooms or the Men’s Group deep in discussion.

Enrich your life.

Circuit Training
Condition your body and stay in shape with our circuit training classes, which involve endurance and resistance training as well as aerobics.
Outdoor Excursions
Join us on outdoor adventures that include everything from hiking through the Comox Valley’s lush trails, to picnicking in the park, to watching the Snowbirds soar through the air.
Happy Hour
In the Grounded Pilot Pub, raise a toast to old and new friends alike as you enjoy conversation, games and a refreshing drink. If you’re lucky, you’ll witness the hilarity and tunes from the Hootin’ Nannies—a Berwick Comox Valley singing group that draws a crowd!
Theme Nights
Whether it’s a Masquerade event or a Toga party, our theme nights are lively occasions that give residents the opportunity to dress up, get creative and have fun.
Dance Lessons
Incorporating a variety of dance styles and music, our dance lessons are a fun way to get moving and feel good.

Circuit Training
Condition your body and stay in shape with our circuit training classes, which involve endurance and resistance training as well as aerobics.

Outdoor Excursions
Join us on outdoor adventures that include everything from hiking through the Comox Valley’s lush trails, to picnicking in the park, to watching the Snowbirds soar through the air.

Happy Hour
In the Grounded Pilot Pub, raise a toast to old and new friends alike as you enjoy conversation, games and a refreshing drink. If you’re lucky, you’ll witness the hilarity and tunes from the Hootin’ Nannies—a Berwick Comox Valley singing group that draws a crowd!

Theme Nights
Whether it’s a Masquerade event or a Toga party, our theme nights are lively occasions that give residents the opportunity to dress up, get creative and have fun.

Dance Lessons
Incorporating a variety of dance styles and music, our dance lessons are a fun way to get moving and feel good.